The most common two profiles in the world of keyboard keycaps are OEM and Cherry. These are fairly standard profiles that feature a bit of sculpting and differentiation between rows. However, what if I told you that there was a profile so crazy, keys in different rows could face directions 45 degrees apart? Well, that actually exists: enter MT3 profile. I got this product for review, and it is definitely extreme.
MT3 Profile, also known as hi-profile, is modeled after vintage keyboards. Although there is not one specific model of keyboard, the keycaps back then were very different than Cherry profile, a lot closer to SA profile. Here is a diagram:
Another thing you will notice when typing on MT3 Profile is the sculpting. There is a substantial divot on each keycap that guides your finger into the center. It's very comfortable to type on. However, it might not be the best for typing 120+ WPM because you have to hit the key closer to the center than you would have to with Cherry profile. Also, instead of bumps on F and J, there are even deeper scoops called "homing scoops". These help you find F and J more effectively than the tiny bumps on most keycaps. However, having a different shaped keycap on a commonly used keycap in gaming can take a while to get used to.
There are two keycap sets that use the MT3 profile currently: /dev/tty (pronounced device terminal) and Susuwatari. The unit we got for review was Susuwatari, and it is beautiful (/dev/tty is cool too but not as good in our opinion). There color scheme is a two-tone grey, but has splashes of color in all the right places. The return and escape key are an eye-catching red, and the modifier text is green, blue, and yellow. Seh0nky did a great job color matching it with a black aluminum ID80.
The Verdict
This set is not going to be for all people. The curve and sculpting is just so extreme, some people simply won't be able to adjust to it after Cherry profile. However, if you do get used to it (I got used to it in a week), it is super comfortable to type on.