Written by one of our newest writers: introducing William!
I recently purchased the iPhone 11 64gb in the black finish. The phone goes for about $700. It's is a truly a masterpiece of sleek design. The front is an impeccable strong glass front with a smashing dual camera featuring an ultra wide telephoto lens. The phone's two glass sides are held together by a striking aluminum band , finished in black. The overall design is second to none in the smartphone industry, rocketing over competitors such as Samsung and Google. In this review I will cover some of the aspects I like and dislike about owning this iPhone. Hopefully, this will give you a clear idea of what you'd be getting if you bought it.
The Buying Experience.
I have always loved the Apple store. Apple has created one of the most well recognized retail labels in the world with their signature glass stores located in some of the most prestiges streets in the world including 5th ave in NY and Champs Elysee in Paris. They have continued to draw people to their stores to buy their dashing hardware. I visited one of these stores to purchase my new 11. upon entry the first thing that is noticeable are the trees located inside and the first table containing the all new iPhone lineup. I was shortly asked by a sales representative in a blue Apple shirt if there was anything he could do to help. I explained that I was there to buy a iPhone 11. He asked me the basic questions such as the color and the amount of storage I needed. I asked for the 64gb in black. I don't need much stroage on my phone because most of the info is in iCloud, witch is a game changer for apple allowing all of my photos and other data to be synced with all of my apple divices, this is a rather groovy feature. I have always opted for on cloud storage for my files can't be lost. after the phone was brought to me , I selected a case and screen protector. Apple offers glass screen protectors witch keep the screen form shattering. I purchased the apple made clear case to keep the glowing design of the phone visible. after this step I bought the damage apple care and opened the phone. with ease I backed up all of my files form my old iPhone with the click of a button form iCloud. after that I went thought he simple setup, and I was done. THE TAKEAWAY with WILLIAM - the Apple store experience was smooth and blissful , the extras do add a fair amount to the price if the phone, but truly great and worth the time to go to buy a iPhone
the Phone
the phone itself is dashing. It is full of different tools and technology that has far advanced from the older phones. The size of the phone is a very good middle ground, between the plus and the normal sizes of the 11 Pro (6.1” display). the 11 has no home button, instead comes with face id and a swipe from the bottom to go home. In my opinion this is a major time saver. Face Id is much better than its predecessor, being faster and more secure. The camera is also a game changer. The camera comes with dual 12MP ultra-wide and wide lessees in the back. The ultra wide has a ƒ/2.4 aperture and 120° field of view, which is super wide. A true game changer.

top: ultra wide, Bottom wide.

The wide has a 1.8 aperture. All of the photos come out super clearly and make a photography so simple. It has never been so simple. the average selfie is a work of art on this Wonderful experience.
The User Experience
The apple interface is heaven on earth. the home screen is the same as it has been for a long time and continues to rule in the aesthetic department. It is ever so simple; there are two buttons on the lock screen, the flashlight button and the camera button. if you apply the same amount of force to the buttons, that you do on the 3D Touch that has been in iPhones for years now you will have a very aimless transition with quick use. If you swipe to the left it opens the feed new to the newer iOS systems, displaying things like the weather and calendar. If you swipe to the right, it also opens camera. Swipe form the Botton to open the phone with the brilliant Face ID. The home screen of the new iPhone is the same as the home screens of the other models that apple has. There is the same wonderful app locating system as always before. to access the app closing screen, you hold down on the swipe up to home bar. The iOS has never worked so well on all of the phones.
the Takeaway with William. the iPhone has never been better, I highly recommend that you go out and buy it. It is worth every penny.