Where would you be right now if you did not have information?
Sure, it is an absurd way of thinking about it.
You must have information to…

– Speak in any language – Understand what you see, hear, or experience
– Be able to join thoughts into more complex ideas – …Your basic communications depend on it.
Without using your brain power in this way, you would never be able to…
– have a hobby – Have a job – Drive a car – Participate in conversation – Make decisions, and so on.
Dr Shannon, I don’t get it! Why are you telling me this? I already do those things and more!
To properly use your brain power is to crawl before you walk, then onto running, then flying. To get to where you are now means you have come along way since you were born. BUT… You still have a long way to go to be your ultimate best self..
Your history started here:
When you were born, you were born genius – an information sponge. Your natural eidetic memory, or photographic memory, is fully engaged, assimilating a world of information for lifelong storage and access.
Read More About Click Here : Define Photographic Memory